sweet potato fries & a sweet run.

This weekend has been much needed.  I could easily use three to four more days just like it, but alas the work must go on.  I have had a lot of time to de-stress and stretch and cook up some new recipes which is always something I love.  It all started yesterday when little Boo decided that she didn’t believe in weekends and got up promptly at 6 am.  When Boo is up, she is up and wants everyone to join her to great the sun.  Because I am a huge sucker for her puppy dog eyes, I begrudgingly oblige.  We took off on our walk and when I got home, I was energized enough to attempt to get my workout out of the way instead of crawling back in to bed.

Shoes tied.  Sweatshirt on.  Hopped into the car and sped off to the gym.  Only to realize that it wasn’t open yet…I had beat the morning rush literally.  I was stumped.  I could either circle my car around for awhile and wait for it to open or head home and go back to sleep.  I turned the car around and headed down the road aiming for no where when I remembered a running trail I had seen when driving around awhile back.  I turned my car around and headed out.


I ended up running a 5k on a whim plus a 1/2 mile warm-up and 1/2 mile cool down.  It was interesting and kind of fun to get out and just play around in a new place.  Plus, the views couldn’t be beat.  The trees and the river were just beautiful and distracted me through the whole run.  I like runs where I explore and the mileage just kind of adds up as I dart around.  It makes the time fly, which is never a bad thing when you’re running haha.

The rest of my day was made up of running errands, studying, and having a pretty awesome night making dinner and seeing Pitch Perfect 2.  Truth be told, the movie was enjoyable, but a little lackluster unlike my dinner.  I prepared falafel burgers (I’ll do a recipe on that a little later this week) with homemade tzatziki and a side of sweet potato fries.  I am obsessed with sweet potatoes.  They are nutrient bombs and I could eat them everyday and be happy.  These sweet potato fries were epic and sososo easy to make.


Sweet Potato Dream Fries

  • 2 medium sweet potatoes
  • 1 TBSP of olive oil or a couple squirts of olive oil spray
  • generous amounts of salt and pepper
  • any other spices you would like (cumin, garlic powder, and cayenne are all good choices)

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.  Peel and slice sweet potatoes into steak fry shapes.  In a bowl, coat the cut sweet potatoes with olive oil, salt & pepper, and desired spices.  Lay sweet potatoes on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 10 minutes.  Flip the tray around, shake the fries, and cook for 10 more minutes.  Voila!  Serve with ketchup, honey mustard, or any other sauce you’d like.  You won’t be disappointed and you’ll feel better about yourself getting 300% of your vitamin A for the day.  Enjoy!
